New Thought
Intentional Community
Demonstration Project

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Interest Survey   |          |
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Select any of the following programs and projects that you are interested in:

Subscribe to the newsletter
Subscribe to the New Thought Blog
Attend webinars and teleseminars
Attend planning meetings in San Diego County
Become a Charter Member of the New Thought
Serve on a planning committee
Make a donation to help launch the project
Help produce events and fundraisers
Help promote membership
Help obtain property for the community
Help design and plan for community
Help generate funding for community
Live in a New Thought Community
Help create jobs and income for residents
Hold the ultimate success in Prayer Treatment

What is it about the vision and mission we are sharing that you resonate with most and why?

What experience have you had with New Thought?

What experience have you had with intentional community or co-housing?

What is your personal ultimate vision of an ideal intentional community based on New Thought?

What skills, talents and resources do you have to offer that would help manifest the vision?

If one or more communities are developed that are in alignment with your vision and personal interests, would you be interested in living in an intentional community based on New Thought?

Whether you would actually live in an intentional community or not, do you have programs or products or other ways that could help generate income for participants in the project and residents of the community?

Do you have interest and or experience in managing either a non-profit organization or a for-profit business and if so, would you be willing to lend your expertise to help the project?

As we begin to develop and implement fundraising programs, would you like to participate as a team member and or make a donation?

As business and investment opportunities manifest, would you be interested in considering investing in a product, project or company assuming you resonate with it and the business plan?

What else would you like to share with us about your self, your vision, skills, interests, world-view, etc?

Please identify and describe yourself (all fields are optional of course and confidential):


Date of Birth


Male Female

Please provide the following contact information:




Street Address

Address (cont.)



Zip/Postal Code


Work Phone

Home Phone
