New Thought
Intentional Community


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Interest Survey

Select any of the following ways that you might want to participate:

Join the cofounders team                            
Conduct events at the facility                        
Attend events at the campus                          
Help develop the model for a sustainable village   
Learn how to enjoy a life share home in the village  
Be on our mailing list for news and updates         
Participate in the real estate acquisition           
Participate in the development of the village      

Select any of the following topics that you are interested in:

Personal growth and development                   
Business and professional development             
Community development                             
Intentional community                           
Spiritual enlightenment                           
Sustainable living                                
Personal, social and planetary transformation     
Leadership development                          
Youth development and empowerment                 
Women's empowerment                                
Retreat center programs                           
Prosperity and financial success                
Seminars and workshops                            
Continuing education on successful living skills  
The benefits of having a coach                    
Becoming a Successful Living Coach              
Sponsoring an Empowerment Resource Center         
Learning more about Ultimate Destiny              

What would you like to share?

What other individuals and organizations do you think we should invite to
submit Letters of Intent to use the facility?

Please provide the following contact information:




Street Address

Address (cont.)



Zip/Postal Code


Work Phone

Home Phone

