New Thought
Intentional Community
Demonstration Project

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Discover and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny Symposium

Can you imagine the powerful possibilities as several hundred like-hearted visionaries gather
for three inspiring days filled with fun, uplifting and transformative exercises and presentations
by some of the most conscious and enlightened individuals on the planet!

CENTER SPACE ( the Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Enlightenment) and Ultimate Destiny invite you to attend the first international symposium to explore possible ways to help individuals, organizations and communities share their dreams and discover how to manifest their ultimate destiny. The objectives of the event are to generate quantum leaps in raising consciousness, fostering earth stewardship and sustainability,  accelerated realization of potential and spiritual enlightenment.

The primary tracks would include: Enlightened Stewardship; Community Empowerment; Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development; Inspired Learning and Leadership; Spirituality and the Workplace, etc. Some of the featured conveners and presenters include: Pat Sullivan, Judi Neal, Patrica Auburdene, Lance Secretan, Peter Redding, Colin Tipping, Dr. Michael Swack,  Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Les Brown, Bonnie St. John, Ron Haegy, Edgar Mitchell, James O’Dea, Lynne Twist, Hale Dwoskin, Rinaldo Brutoco, Andrew Beath, Mark Tucker, Ken Blanchard, Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, Scott and Shannon Peck, Bruce Cyrer from HeartMath, Bobbi DePorter from Quantum Learning, Gary Malkin from Wisdom of the World, Andrew Cohen on Enlightenment, Andrew Harvey, Eve Hogan, Terri Cole Whittaker, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Marianne Williamson, Edwene Gaines, Paul J. Meyer, Wally Amos, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, and David McArthur/

Potential cosponsors include: Heart Math, IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences), Social Venture Network, Foundation for Inspired Learning, The Love Center, World Business Academy, Quantum Learning, Association for Spirit At Work,  AGNT (Association for Global New Thought, ANTN (Affiliated New Thought Network), INTA (International New Thought Alliance) the Community Economic Development Master’s program at Southern New Hampshire University, the Alliance for A New Humanity, the Foundation for Inspired Learning, SEE Foundation, etc.

Potential Advantages of Producing the Event:

 The marketing and promotion of the event will generate greater awareness of our New Thought and our sponsoring companies, organizations and projects, thereby generating PR, participation and cash flow.

 We would capture audio and video recordings of each of the main sessions, thereby producing new intellectual property that will be used to help promote the large scale application of Empowerment Resource Center and Resource Showcase models.

The event could be a quantum leap for the New Thought Demonstration Project, our affiliated companies and nonprofit organizations. We could design and experiment with smaller more targeted events addressing topics such as : Enlightened Stewardship; Empowerment and Enlightenment 101, the University for Successful Living, Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development; Personal, Social and Planetary Sustainability and our Ultimate Destiny Game Planning PlayShops.

 We can package the three day symposium as a large scale model Resource Showcase.

We can use the event to launch the new concept of an Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame as described elsewhere in this document. We could develop a package for any community to co-produce a similar event to promote and honor Ultimate Destiny Hall of Famers in their community.

We would encourage and facilitate youth participation through an essay contest on the meaning of ultimate destiny, examples and the impact on society by those who live theirs.

We have a team with many years of successful experience producing and marketing and leveraging major events of this magnitude.

We could use this event to implement the concept we have been considering of inviting every New Thought Center in Southern California to help co-produce these types of major events in mutually beneficial ways that also help expand awareness of and participation in New Thought Centers.

We would start publishing a monthly newsletter and e-zines designed to generate attendance at the symposium. We could also use the event to launch the concept we have been exploring of publishing our own New Thought initiated and financed alternative publication (like The Light Connection and Vision).

We could tie our plans to donate up to 1,000 ETMS (Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems) worth $10,000 each by announcing the first (or perhaps second) round of awards at the symposium and by inviting all applicants for an ETMS to attend as our guest.

We could provide (full and partial) scholarships and other incentives for executives of our target markets such as United Way’s, Urban Leagues, Community Development Corporations and Public Housing Authorities to attend and we would have tracks of special interest to them.

We could help grow the share value of the participating companies, especially the newest addition of an Internet Marketing focused subsidiary by including a few sessions on how the power of the Internet could help accelerate the realization of potential and manifestation of ultimate destiny. (The major strategic alliances we already have in this area include Armand Morin, Stephen Pierce, Tom Antion, Alex Mandossian, Mike Stewart and Jim Edwards, etc.)

We could use the event to jump start the New Thought Ultimate Destiny Broadcast Network with TV, radio and Internet broadcasts of the content produced through the symposium along with introductory Webinars and teleseminars we will use to market the event.

We would schedule periodic introductory events to generate participation at the symposium such as 1 and 2 day Resource Showcases.

We could use the event to introduce the evolutionary youth development and empowerment programs and products we are co-creating with the Imagination Center, Inc., and marionettes of Les Brown and Deepak Chopra.

We could use the event to help launch our youth empowerment programs in conjunction with Ray Faulkenberry, his partners and our other associates who are involved in youth development.

We could use VM Direct capacities and help market their video email and live broadcast tools.

We would invite a few dozen community leaders from Kankakee, Illinois (where many of the programs and projects were developed beginning in the late 1980’s) to encourage them to participate in co-producing a smaller event in the Chicago area to further test and refine the concept.

We would launch a strategy of replicating the model San Diego event in Los Angeles and San Francisco and possibly other areas where we have supportive teams such as Sedona.

We could generate major free publicity by donating a major percentage and perhaps all of the net proceeds to our affiliated nonprofit organizations and co-producers.

We could use the event to design similar events targeted to our market niches by having our key advisors attend the event such as Amy Jones who will help us serve the 3,500 Public Housing Authorities, Susie Brown who is helping us reach 3,500 United Way’s, Dr. Michael Swack who will help us connect with the 2,500 Community Development Corporations and Howard Veal who will help us connect with the 115+ Urban Leagues, etc.

We would invite co-creative participation by attendees at major events we attend such as Social Venture Network, Enlightened Wealth retreats, AGNT, INTA, ANTN, etc.

The financial success of the event will be enhanced by creating the evening events as stand alone programs targeted to broader segments of the population and by leveraging back of the room product sales including Membership recruitment, Success University, Success Mastery TV, VM Direct, Coach for Life, etc.


ACT/I/ON Steps:

Refine and enhance the concept proposal

Brainstorm who to invite first to join as co-creators

Identify possible sponsors and funders

Engage the convention and visitors bureaus to help identify the most suitable locations

Identify the best possible time to produce events

Join and engage the chambers of commerce and economic development organizations

Draft letters of invitation to potential co-producers, sponsors, and presenters

Draft fundraising campaign for donations, grants and scholarship funds

Design and implement corporate sponsorship campaign

Design and implement marketing and promotion campaign

Leverage our participation in any other event and organization

Summary and Observations:

San Diego County is saturated with inspirational and motivational events, partly because so many authors and trainers and coaches live here.  Therefore, rather than compete in such a highly competitive market, our model is to seek strategic alliances and opportunities for substantial leverage to help ensure the success of a major undertaking. 

While an event of the magnitude proposed could potentially generate net proceeds of hundreds of thousands of dollars from tuition, sponsorships, back of the room product sales, etc., our model features several other income streams that enhance the viability of the program.

 For example, we could generate additional income from membership fees, joint ventures, equity investments, income from marketing the intellectual property produced at the symposium, residual income from new participants in our affiliated companies such as VM Direct. Success University, Enlightened Millionaire Institute, etc.

Plus we could potentially raise up to $5 million for one of our companies by taking advantage of the unique features of the 25102 (n) provision of California State Law. In addition, future income could be generated from the continuation of the proposed new alternative monthly publication, broadcasts of content via radio, TV, Internet radio, podcasts, etc.

  For More Information, Please Contact Charles Betterton at