New Thought
Intentional Community
Demonstration Project

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Letters of Intent Are Being Requested From:

The Love Center                                                   Supercamp

Prosperity with Edwene Gaines                            Bob Proctor

Jack Canfield                                                         Taste for Success                                         

Quantum Learning                                                 Robert Allen                                  

IONS                                                                       Jim Bunch                       

Brain Tracy Associates                                         Dr. Lou Tartaglia                       

HeartSet                                                                 Deepak Chopra   

Barry Spilchuk                                                       Youth for Christ                      

Dr. Lisa Love                                                         Paul J. Meyer

Barbara Marx Hubbard                                        Gary Malkin

Mary Manning Morrissey                                    Ray Stuchly

Social Venture Network                                        Energy of Money                                         

13 – Susan Davis                                                       Hale Dworskin – Sedona Method                         Will Tuttle                               

Science of Spirit                                                     Money and You                                              

 T. Harv Eker                                                         Steps To Life

 Jim Rohn                                                               Kenneth Blanchard                                                                         

18 – HeartMath                                                          I AM Foundation                                                  Women In Transition

Soul of Money                                                        Les Brown

John Assaraf                                                          Dennis Waitley

Phillippe Matthews                                                Michael Price

Dr. Jerry Teplitz                                                     David Hawkins

Jean Houston                                                         Mark Victor Hansen

Hazel Henderson                                                    Louise Hay 

Campus Crusade for Christ                                    Roy Eugene Davis

Young Life                                                                Esther Hicks 

June Davidson                                                         Bill Galt 

Peter Redding                                                          Ti Caine 

Laurel Langemeier                                                  Rev. Diane Harmony 

Dr. Marilyn Hall                                                      Rev. Terry Cole Whittaker 

Mark Long                                                               Bonnie St. John 

Marshal Rosenberg                                                 Fetzer Institute 

Rudolph Steiner Foundation                                    John Randoph Price

SRF – Self Realization Fellowship                          Lori Hanau 

Karen Buckley                                                         Pat Sullivan 

Mal Warwick                                                            Bainbridge Institute 

Gail Larsen                                                               Robbie Motter 

Bryan Mallandine                                                     Jim Farren & Dale Bach 

Craig & Cathie Durrant                                           Coaches & Coach Trainers           

Church Organizations                                               J.D. Clement 

Heinz & Susan Wattenhofer                                    One Productions 

The Frontiers Project                                                Tom Woods & Mastery TV 

IBI Contacts – Greg Writer                                      Imagination Center Inc. 

Network Marketing Companies                               Success University

Dr. Tom Hill                                                               Ann Marie Evers

Susan Davis, The Tipping Network                          Service Clubs    

Chambers of Commerce                                            Government agencies                               

FIC (Fellowship for Intentional Community) 

Community Economic Development Masters Program

NFTE (National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurs)       

 Wright Center for Leadership