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Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers

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Examples of Events Provided by Community Resource Centers

This page will provide details of the proposed ongoing calendar of seminars, workshops, webinars, resource showcases and major community development training programs featuring world-class trainers, authors and experts on topics identified by participants in the Project as high priority programs.

Following are links to PDF documents that introduce some of the resources and prior programs produced by CENTER SPACE and CAN DO! that would be available for replication in local Resource Centers. They include Empowerment Resource Showcases, the Introduction to Personal Success Techniques Seminars, a Community Unity Celebration featuring Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and Les Brown, personal and professional development training programs featuring some of the top trainers in the world such as Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen and Bonnie St. John.

These programs are designed to be coproduced and sponsored by non-profit organizations, companies, chambers of commerce and local government as ways to introduce and demonstrate the available programs and generate funding for the local Resource Centers.

For some more examples of the types of events, please visit and . A few specific examples of possible Sedona area events are provided at: Les Brown is at Scott and Shannon Peck of The Love Center at; Dr Emmett Miller at : and John Randolph and Jan Price at