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Scientific Evaluation Report on Structured Water

We have recently received an important test report for your review and use! This is scientific proof of the positive energy balance created by Clayton Nolte’s Coherent Water Structuring Unit produced by NATURAL ACTION TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 

Click Here for the report with scientific evidence that so many have been requesting, and we invite you to share it with your clients and prospects.  It is an excellent report produced by Hagalis AG. They are located in Germany. Following is information about them from their web site at  http://www.hagalis.com

“The Hagalis AG was founded in 2000 from the company Hagalis Association, founded in1995. Twelve years of research and development into new methods of diagnosing and production of medicines preceded the founding of Hagalis Association. The Hagalis AG is an international laboratory specializing in quality analysis in the area of food, water, and  goods in daily use.  

Our new method of crystallization analysis makes product quality transparent and comprehensible to customers. We also produce naturopathic medicines and cosmetics of especially high quality.”

Ready for even more exciting background information? Click these links and enjoy!

Disclaimers: None of the statements in these articles or on any page of this web site have been submitted
for review, nor have they been approved by the FDA or any other regulatory agency.  This site is intended to provide educational information about our products and nothing stated is intended as medical advice or counseling. Please contact your doctor or medical practitioner with any questions about any health matter or condition.

 For further information please contact Charles Betterton at:

Natural Structured Water
C/O Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc.
PO Box 20072, Sedona, AZ 86341

Toll Free in USA 888-483-7538

+1 928-554-4732

Email: info@naturalstructuredwater.com

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