Ultimate Destiny Network
 Is Seeking A Few Highly
Qualified Distributors, Sales Representatives and Affiliates to Help Market These Structured Water Products!

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Distributor and Sales Rep Information

Ultimate Destiny Network believes that a network of distributors who share our mission and dedication to help others benefit from the advantages of these structured water devices is the best way for us to reach and serve as many people as possible. For that reason, we are happy to invite anyone who buys any one of our structured water units to apply for our Distributor Program.

For any questions about becoming a Distributor or Sales Representative of these structured water units  please call  Charles Betterton at 928-554-4732 or if you prefer, you can send him an email with the words Distributor or Sales Rep in the subject line at ceo@naturalstructuredwater.com . He will send you a link and or an email that includes the Suggested Retail Pricing and Distributor Discount Schedule.

For further information please contact us at:

Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc.
P. O. Box 20072
Sedona, AZ 86341
Email: info@naturalstructuredwater.com
(928) 554-4732

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