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Consciousness and Water

Communicating With Water

An exercise one may express to the universe (God) is when you are in the space of wanting to change your life: just before you are about to go to sleep, ask that all your demands, prayers and/or requests that have not been made manifest be erased.  You may have to see them on a big black board and physically erase them or you may have to blow them up but do not review them or bring them into mind, this just reinforces them to be more in your life. When you wake up you will feel alive, awake, alert and exuberant.

Another exercise is before you go to bed at night, fill up a paper cup (a white natural recycled cup would be best) with the purest water you can find, preferably natural spring water (not distilled) from a verified pure source.
Before lying down, close your eyes, thank the universe for your day, and focus on what you would like your reality to be for tomorrow. What would you like the universe to bring to you or show you, and what would you like to give.

After you have in your mind what you would specifically like from the universe tomorrow, look at your paper cup of water, and focus those thoughts unto the water as if the water were the whole universe (it is).

"Then, to further manifest and have the water help you, write on the paper cup your wishes or intentions that you thought of for tomorrow.  Sometimes this may just be a general good principal, such as, "tomorrow I would like to be amazingly creative and glowing with love," or it can be as specific as you want such as,  "tomorrow I would like to solve my challenge with such and such a situation."

After you do this with complete clarity of mind and gratitude, drink half of the cup of water, and go to sleep knowing that the water is reverberating with great intensity and acting as a magnifying antenna to the universe. The water in your body that you drank already has your intentions in it and is still connected to the water in the cup which is connected to EVERYTHING and it is working its best at helping you send your message to the universe. Its structure IS actually changing to your thought and this is provable by science to even the most skeptical naysayers. As you sleep, your subconscious mind will continue to communicate with the water, both in your body, and that still in the cup, and it will change its structure into what you concentrated on, so that when you wake up in the morning, and finish the other half of the cup of water, you will literally be drinking your dreams!

This will have them reverberate even more powerfully through your whole being. Do this every night, and see what happens, miracles multiply and health increases at ever faster rates. Water is the most beautiful, mutable and affected thought physical substance that we humans have. Water is the ultimate physical manifestation within the hologram of our existence, and if you love your water, it will love you back and help you along your path. Water is alive and aware.                 

Be in joy!   

Clayton Nolte

Ready for even more exciting background information? Click these links and enjoy!


Over one billion people lack safe water, and three billion lack sanitation; eighty per cent of infectious diseases are waterborne, killing millions of children each year. — World Bank Institute, 1999

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for review, nor have they been approved by the FDA or any other regulatory agency.  This site is intended to provide educational information about our products and nothing stated is intended as medical advice or counseling. Please contact your doctor or medical practitioner with any questions about any health matter or condition.

 For further information please contact Charles Betterton at:

Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc.
P. O. Box 20072
Sedona, AZ 86341

Phone: (928) 554-4732

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