Introduction to Ultimate Destinyland

Solving Our Personal, Community, National and Global Success Puzzles

 Ultimate Destinyland ™ helps “Expand the Circle of Success” by publishing, producing and distributing programs, products and services that foster personal, professional, organizational, and community development, empowerment, and enlightenment.

Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc. has developed a Strategic Marketing Matrix to help ensure success as we launch our initial suite of electronic and printed development training programs. They are designed to help individuals, organizations and communities realize more of their potential. These resources are marketed online, through strategic alliances and via a national (then international) network of local
non-profit Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers based on 40 years of experience as described at


The lead product in the series of Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century is the Ultimate Destiny Success System.  Each of the 14 stand-alone titles in the program includes an E-book, printed book, AV, web site and blog site, seminars, workshops, webinars, coaching, live events, affiliate programs, featured resources, membership in our affiliated Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living and valuable free bonuses.


Click the link for an overview of how Ultimate Destiny is Helping Millions of People Awaken, Realize More of Their Potential and Know How To Co-create Their Ultimate Destiny.

Click the link for an overview of Ultimate Destiny's ultimate vision of
Manifesting Stewardship and  Leaving A Trillion Dollar Legacy

For more information on any facet of Ultimate Destinyland, including the Investment Marketing Memorandum for Accredited Investors, contact CEO Charles Betterton at 928-284-2671 or

Copyright 2010-2013 Ultimate Destiny Network. All rights reserved.

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