Empowerment Resource Center

Providing Resources for Personal, Organizational and
Community Development, Empowerment and Enlightenment 







Letters of Support
Success Center Partnership

Community Resource Center

Oneida CAN DO!

Empowerment Resource Centers

Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems

Co-creative Visioning and Strategic Planning

Featured Resources









































































Resources for Empowerment and Enlightenment

Featured Resources from Ultimate Destiny

CAN DO! Ultimate Destiny
Success System

Presenting A Treasure Chest
of Resources for Leadership, Healing, Empowerment and Transformation.

The CAN DO! Ultimate Destiny Success System includes the 14 stand-alone programs listed below with over 1,000 pages of self-assessment quizzes, application exercises and featured resources in each area of fulfilling your ultimate destiny.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System is available for $77 electronically, $197 for the complete set of print books and $497 for the set of e-books, CD's and an orientation DVD.


Manifesting Your
Ultimate Destiny

E-book, book or CD

Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle
E-book, book or CD

Realizing Your
Ultimate Potential

E-book, book or CD

Enjoying Ultimate
Health and

E-book, book or CD

Fulfilling Your
Life Purpose, Mission and Goals

E-book, book or CD

Enjoying Loving,

E-book, book or CD

Achieving Ultimate Success in Your
Business or Career

E-book, book or CD

Enjoying Financial
Freedom and Prosperity

E-book, book or CD

Raising Your
Consciousness Level

E-book, book or CD

Attaining Spiritual

E-book, book or CD

Harnessing Your Creative Power and Subconscious Mind
E-book, book or CD

Enjoying Peace
and Balance in All
Areas of Life

E-book, book or CD

Making A
and Leaving A Legacy

E-book, book or CD

Fostering Personal
and Planetary Sustainability

E-book, book or CD

Solving Our Personal, Community, National and  Global Success Puzzles
E-book, book or CD

The Science of Getting Rich with The Secret Teachers Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith

Wheel of Life Exercises

Quizzes and Self-Assessments


Successful Living Skills

Interest Survey Instruments

DISC Profiles

Youth Essay Contests

Ultimate Destiny Success System

Empowerment 101

Enlightenment 101

10 Step Co-creative Visioning and Strategic Planning

Coaching and Consulting Services

Empowerment Resource Centers

ETMS, Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems™

Discover and Manifest Your Dreams Workshops

Solving Your Ultimate Success Puzzle

Personal Success Techniques

Just Say Yes To Success With Les Brown

Certification of CAN DO! Facilitators

Power Vision

Future Vision

You CAN DO! Too Resource Manual

Three Round Method of Brainstorming

Mindstorming Exercise

Discernment Grids

Resource Showcases

Introduction to Community Economic Development 

Resources on Intentional Community

Community Development Corporations

Social Enterprise/Entrepreneurship

Marketing and Promotion Plans

Master Fundraising Plans

Event and Project Management Plans and Budgets

Speakers Bureau Services

The World Cafe

Harnessing the CAN DO! Power of the Internet

Can Do! events with Hay House

The Sedona Method


Amazon.com Empowerment Store


The CAN DO! Empowerment Resource Center is a joint venture of three affiliated non-profit organizations: Ultimate Destiny University, CENTER SPACE (The Center for Personal, Spiritual And Community Empowerment) and the Center for Conscious Sustainable Living.


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