An Everyday Thanksgiving Prayer for Blessings Upon Millions

Our Heavenly Father/Mother/God, Infinite Creator, Beloved Spirit, in the name of the Living Christ Presence in each of us, I Ask, Seek, Knock and Give Thanks for Your Love, Light and Grace. I A.S.K. and Give Thanks for Your Grace and Blessings upon each and every one of us.

Thank You for blessing those of us who are lonely, discouraged, stressed or fearful. Let them receive and experience Your Loving Grace, the Peace that passeth all understanding, the Full Joy of the Lord and Your Divine Order and Perfect Harmony. Let them (and all of us) open our hearts to You and remember we are One and all is well.

Thank You for blessing those who are experiencing lack or limitation. Let them remember their true spiritual identity as joint heirs with the Christ Jesus. Let them discover the riches within their reach. You have InTrusted the fullness of overflowing Good to each of us. Let them receive, appreciate and apply Your Wisdom with understanding. Let them and each of us Awaken to and manifest StewardHeirShip ™ over the Divine Abundant Provision You have already provided for and InTrusted to each of us as YOU in Perfect Expression.

Thank You for blessing those who are sick. Let them be healed as they remember we are One with Your Presence and there is only Wholeness, Completion and Perfection in God Consciousness.

Thank You for blessing those who are hungry and thirsty. Let them remember who we are and let them return to Your House within. Let them receive the Manna from Heaven and the food and drink that will nourish their body, mind and soul and quench their hunger and thirst.

Thank You for blessing those who are unemployed and those who are concerned about their job and income. Let them discover who they truly are, why they have come to earth and what they came here to be, do and have stewardship over. Help them (and each of us) discover our mission, purpose and commission. Let them ‘Rise and Shine” as on eagles’ wings and fulfill their Divine Appointment, Perfect Employment and Deployment in the Service of others which is God’s Work and invitation to each one of us.

Thank You for blessing those who are homeless and those who are worried about possibly losing their home. Let them discover and accept the many mansions of blessings in Your Kingdom of (Heaven) which is within each of us. Bless those who have “lost” their home or are facing foreclosure. Lead them into a new Opening, a new beginning of Your Abundant Provision and Blessings.

We thank you Father/Mother God for Your Love, Your Grace and these Blessings. We thank You for Crowning us with the Ultimate Success of the Lord including: Your Love and Grace; the Peace of Mind that passeth all understanding; the Full Joy of the Lord; Your Wisdom with Understanding and appreciation; Your Abundant Provision and Guidance and Direction; Divine Order; and Perfect  Harmony.

We Ask, Seek, Knock and Give Thanks that You help us remember the A.R.K. of our Divine Destiny as we Awaken to our true spiritual identity; Realize more of our inherent potential to express Godhood (the qualities of the Fruit of the Spirit); and Know how to co-create our ultimate destiny.

Thank You for helping each of us discover and fulfill the Divine Destiny You have preordained for each of us as we remember who we are, whose we are, why we are here on earth and what we came forth to be, express and manifest faithful, grateful and responsible StewardHeirShip over. Help us discern and practice exercises for awakening and expanding our conscious awareness such as Prayer, Meditation, Spiritual Mind Treatment and the Seven Ascension Attitudes™ of: Love; Praise; Gratitude; Seek first the Kingdom; Ask, Seek and Knock; Let go and let God; and Be Still and know God.

We thank you again and forever for Crowning us with the Ultimate Success of the Lord. May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to You.

In the name of Jesus the Christ who said that whatsoever we shall ask in His name, believing that we receive, we shall have, I Decide, Decree, Declare and Give Thanks that these blessings are now bestowed as seen in my mind, as felt in my heart, as known to be true in my soul and as sown by my spoken word.  And so it is. Amen

About this Prayer of Thanksgiving by Charles Betterton

The prayer encompasses the vision, mission and programs developed by several cause-oriented companies and affiliated non-profit organizations that I have been blessed to cofound. They include CENTER SPACE (the Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Enlightenment), Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc., Ultimate Destiny University, The Sedona Light Center and Ultimate Water for Humanity.

During Thanksgiving of 2009, I was meditating and envisioning the fulfillment of the shared vision and mission of these organizations that we refer to as helping people A.R.K. --  Awaken to their true spiritual identity; Realize more of their inherent potential and Know how to manifest their ultimate destiny.

Our visualization statement that I was reviewing and reflecting on Thanksgiving that led to this prayer is: We bless, serve and help millions of people Awaken to Spirit, Realize more of their potential and Know how to fulfill their ultimate destiny. We manifest StewardHeirShip over billions of dollars in the process. We co-create and distribute programs and resources for education, empowerment and enlightenment that eventually produce a trillion dollar legacy of positive global impact.

To accomplish our vision and mission, we publish, produce, market and distribute programs, products and services designed to help achieve our goals and plans. For example,
Ultimate Destiny Network and Ultimate Destiny University are launching the Ultimate Destiny Success System (UDSS). The system consists of 14 individual programs that help participants discover and manifest their ultimate destiny, whatever that means to each one individually.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System includes interactive digital programs on: Manifesting Your Ultimate Destiny; Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle; Realizing Your Ultimate Potential; Enjoying Loving Relationships; Fulfilling Your Life Purpose and Mission; Enjoying Financial Freedom and Prosperity; Achieving Ultimate Success in Business/Career; Enjoying Ultimate Health and Fitness; Harnessing Your Creative Mind; Raising Your Consciousness Level; Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment; Enjoying Peace and Balance;  Making a Difference and Leaving a Legacy; and Fostering Personal and Planetary Sustainability. .

CENTER SPACE is launching several spiritually centered programs including: Setting Spiritual Centered New Year’s Resolutions; Enlightenment 101; Partnership with God; Rise and Shine with Seven Ascension Attitudes; Crowned with the Ultimate Success of the Lord; and T.U.L.I.P.S. -- The Ultimate Life Inpowerment Planning System.

All of these titles are available from Ultimate Destiny and CENTER SPACE for review,
initially as e-books on a “pay what it’s worth to you” donation basis

For more information, please visit and, call Charles Betterton at 760-212-9931 or send an email to  with the words Review Copies in the Subject Line and include the titles you would like to receive. Thank you! 

 Copyright 2010 by Charles Betterton.  All rights reserved.
Permission to reprint is granted provided the article is kept intact.