Ultimate Destiny University Interest Surveys

We are seeking your input, feedback and participation in helping us discover what programs and resources would be most immediately valuable to you. Everyone who attends the Ultimate Destiny University Playshops will receive a $10 discount when you complete and turn in the following Interest Survey at the end of the event.

Solving Our Personal, Community and Global Success Puzzles Interest Survey

__ I would be interested in attending workshops on the following topics:

General Successful Living Skills from CAN DO!:

__ Positive Mental Attitude        __Setting Goals                   __Self-Motivation            __ Time Management
__ Prosperity                             __ Money Management        __Affirmations                __ Visualization

__ Meditation                             __ Communication               __ Vision Boards            __ Masterminding
__ Treasure Mapping                __ Heart/Mind Coherence    __ Creative Thinking       __ Problem Solving
__ Harnessing Subconsciou     __ Public Speaking              __ Entrepreneurship       __Internet Marketing
__ Book Publishing/Marketing   __ Having a coach                __ Being a coach           __Mission Statement    

Resources from Ultimate Destiny University:

__Manifesting My Ultimate Destiny                                         __Enjoying Loving Relationships
__Realizing My Ultimate Potential                                           __Fulfilling My Life Purpose and Mission
__Enjoying Optimal Health and Fitness                                  __Raising My Consciousness Level
__Harnessing My Creative Power                                           __Enjoying Financial Freedom
__Attaining Success in Business/Career                                __Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment
__Enjoying Peace and Balance                                               __ Making A Difference, Leaving A Legacy
__Fostering Sustainable Living                                                __Solving Life’s Ultimate Success Puzzle

Resources from CENTER SPACE The Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Enlightenment:

__ Setting Spiritually Centered Resolutions                         __ Achieving Spiritually Oriented Goals
__ Partnership with God                                                       __ Motivision: 21 Steps to Realizing My Vision
__ My Interview with God                                                      __ Rise and Shine with 7 Ascension Attitudes
__ TULIPS, The Ultimate Life Inpowerment Planning System
            __ Spiritual Mind Treatment Magic Wand

__ I would be interested in attending events with the following presenters. Please note your priority interests with a #1 by the individual you would most like to spend time with, a #2 by your second favorite, etc. Use the blank spaces to add other authors and presenters you want to see.

Louise Hay

Deepak Chopra

Marianne Williamson

Barbara Marx Hubbard

John Randolph Price

John Gray

Catherine Ponder

Edwene Gaines

Brian Tracy

James Redfield

Roy Eugene Davis

Lynne Twist

Iyanla Vanzant

Ester Hicks

Wayne Dyer

Les Brown

Jack Canfield

Mark Victor Hansen

Jean Houston

Bob Proctor

Neale Donald Walsch

James Twyman

Gregg Braden

Scott and Shannon Peck

Edgar Mitchell

Andrew Cohen

Andrew Harvey

Patricia Aburdene

T. Harv Eker

Ken Blanchard

Maria Nemeth

Dr. Emmett Miller










What additional topics are you interested in?



What programs do you have to offer?


__ I am ready to help myself and others realize more of our potential as a Charter Annual Member of Ultimate Destiny University for only $197 (less a credit for what I paid for the playshop). Send me the complete 14 part, 1,000 page Ultimate Destiny Success System, my bonuses worth over $1,000, and 12 full months of newsletters, webinars, and discounts on featured resources and monthly bonuses.

__ I would be like become a Master Ultimate Destiny Affiliate and “earn while I learn” with my own Ultimate Destiny University web site, my own wordpress blog site and my own Constant Contact e-zine for only $347.

__ I would like to save $50 and purchase the complete Ultimate Destiny Success System at the special pre-launch price of $77.

__ I would like to become trained and licensed to facilitate seminars, workshops and webinars on the Ultimate Destiny University programs including the Ultimate Destiny Success System.

__ I would be interested in attending a one or two day Ultimate Destiny Game Planning Playshop that covers all 12 areas of discovering and co-creating my ultimate destiny.

__ I would like to accept your offer to try out the Ultimate Destiny Success System and pay what it is worth to me. Please send me the first two volumes and 1 more per __ week or __ month. I agree to donate what I believe each program is worth to me. I also agree that 10% of any value I receive in the future as a result of your programs (above whatever amount I donate) be “assigned” by the Universe to our non-profit Ultimate Destiny University.  This will only be an energetic agreement in principle, and not a contract. 

__ I would like to participate and receive more information on the following programs:

__ Writers, Publishers, Producers and Marketers Collaborative

__ Sedona Institute for Conscious Sustainable Living

__ See-Do-Now CAN DO! development training programs with trainers such as Les Brown, Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, Scott & Shannon Peck, Dr. Emmett Miller, etc.

__ Co-creative Visioning and Strategic Planning for ___ myself   ___ my non-profit organization  __ my company  __ my community.

__ CENTER SPACE, the Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Enlightenment

__ Resources for Internet marketing

__ Income opportunities for __ myself   __ my company  __ my non-profit organization.

__ Event Sponsorship and or __ Co-poducer Opportunities


Name ___________________________________________________ Phone # _______________________

 Address________________________________________  City ____________________ St____ Zip ______

Email address____________________________________________________________________________

Everyone who attends the Ultimate Destiny University Playshops will receive a $10 discount when you complete and turn in your Interest Survey at the end of the event. Thank you!

Ultimate Destiny University, PO Box 20072, Sedona, AZ 86341  
ultimatedestinyuniversity@gmail.com       www.UltimateDestinyUniversity.com

