
Helping Manifest Bucky Fuller's Vision
of "Betterment for 100% of Humanity"

*   Service   Stewardship   Sustainability

Strategic Marketing Matrix™ for Universal StewardHeirShip, Inc.

This application of the Strategic Marketing Matrix demonstrates how all the individual facets of the marketing strategy are interconnected strategically. The cell at the center of the table represents the ultimate vision of Blessing Millions of People world-wide (and helping them to A.R.K.-- Awaken to Spirit, Realize Their Potential and Know How to Create their Ultimate Destiny); Manifest Stewardship over Billions of Dollars for Personal, Social and Global Transformation: and Leave a Trillion Dollar Legacy of StewardHeirShip.

The eight cells closet to the center include the major programs and components that will help us accomplish our vision and mission. The next sixteen cells from the center are some of the additional programs, projects and publications that will be published electronically and in print. Each title has (or will have) its own web site, blog site, Facebook page, webinar, seminar, workshop, affiliate program, featured resources from our Hall of Fame Award recipients., etc. The outer rows and columns include related web sites, blogs, articles, e-zines, webinars and teleseminars, seminars and workshops, affiliate programs, affiliated organizations and joint venture initiatives.

Every Universal Stewardheirship, Inc., CENTER SPACE and Ultimate Destiny University publication, program, web site and blog site include our Invitation to Collaborate in accomplishing our vision and How Would Participation in Our Programs Bless and Help You?

The initial 14 stand-alone titles in the Ultimate Destiny Success System frequently reference the programs and publications from Universal Stewardheirship, Inc., CENTER SPACE and Ultimate Destiny University and they are included as Featured Resources.

All 14 titles in the Ultimate Destiny Success System are being repurposed for distribution as Small Group Discussion Guidebooks through the network of CAN DO! Community Economic Development Empowerment Resource Centers and through the 500,000 local non-profit organizations we have identified as part of the global distribution infrastructure for training on Successful Living Skills for the 21 Century including Infopreneurship.

Strategic Marketing Matrix™ for Universal Stewardheirship, Inc.

The cell at the center of the table represents the ultimate vision. The eight cells closet to the center include major components that help us accomplish our vision and mission. The next sixteen cells are the next level of priorities. The outer rows and columns include introductory resources such as web sites, blogs, articles, e-zines, webinars, teleseminars, seminars, workshops, affiliate programs and major joint venture initiatives.






Printed Magazines and Newsletters

Online Quizzes and Self-assessments






 Consulting Services

Publishing, Marketing and Distribution

KIM 2 Which Pieces of Solving Your Ultimate destiny march 2011cropped

Ultimate Destiny Success SystemKIM dadandbooks

Empowerment 101

Enlightenment 101 Enlightenment 101 new cover

Success Puzzles
Cover Page from SuccesPuzzleUltimateDestinyland


Web Sites and Blogs

Coproducing Major Development Training Events and Seminars


Ultimate Destiny University Playshops for Center for Positive Living SCBFINAL

Ultimate Destiny University

Expanding the Circle of SuccessCHAZ Ultimate Destiny Wheel Elance

CENTER SPACE TUTTLE image and Words Rev

Community Unity
Partnership Programs

Combining "Brick and Mortar" Centers with "Click and Learn" Technology

and Playshops

Cocreative Visioning

Fulfilling the Destiny of the USA
REV Solving the Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle for the USA

Blessing Millions, Manifesting Stewardship Over Billions, Leaving a Trillion Dollar Legacy

Hall of Fame Awards

Retreat Centers
and Intentional Communities

Sedona Gerries Dad 3 (2)


Offering Programs on "Pay What It's Worth To You" Basis

 Conferences Gatherings and Retreats

Harnessing Creative Power
CC CocreateYourUltimateDestinyWithSpiritualMindTreatmentCover

ETMS ™ Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems

Living Skills
Successful Living Skills for the 21st Centrury cover

CAN DO! CED Empowerment
Resource Centers


Multi-Media Programs

UDSS CD Copy 2010


Training and Certification
Of Trainers

New Thought 101
CC New Thought 101cover1

Infopreneurship University

The ART of Successful Living

Universal Stewardheirship

New Thought University
Strategic Marketing MatrixCoverofPDF

Ultimate Fundraising Programs for NPOs


Licensing and Franchising


"Earn, Learn and Return" Affiliate

Joint Venture Marketing


Internet Radio
and Video

Public Domain Works

Strategic Marketing Matrix Copyright 2010-2017 by Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. All rights reserved.

Click Here for a PDF of the Strategic Marketing Matrix Above

Which Pieces of Solving Your Personal StewardHeirShip 
Success Puzzle Are Most Important To You Personally?
(Click on any of the images below for more details about each stand-alone program)

A Comprehensive "University for StewardHeirShip"

Over 1,200 pages in 14 stand-alone digital programs!

Strategic Marketing Matrix™ Copyright 2008-2012 by Ultimate Destiny Network.  All rights reserved.