Declaration of Inner-Dependence and Inter-Dependence

We hold these truths to be self-evident:

We Recognize there is only One Power, One Presence, One Wisdom and One Intelligence in the Universe. The Founding Fathers (and Mothers) of the United States of America were inspired by Inner Guidance to establish the foundation upon which Inner-Dependence and Inter-Dependence could foster the pursuit, and the realization of, Life, Liberty and Happiness for all.

We appreciate the fact that our Unification as One Nation Under God was the result of Divine Providence. We are Unified with and as the One Power as individuals and as a Nation.

We realize how blessed we are today as a result of the service and sacrifices made by our ancestors.  As Benjamin Franklin stated, the ultimate destiny of the United States of America is to enlighten and empower the world. As we elevate our consciousness to the realization that we are one people, living in one global community, with only one future that we are destined to co-create together, we let and allow that Divine Design to manifest as Heaven on Earth, here and now.

We give thanks for the loving, devoted and dedicated Service of our Nation’s co-founders as we remember, honor and help fulfill the ultimate destiny entrusted to us as citizens of the United States of America, one nation under God, with liberty, freedom and Justice for all.

We release our Word unto the Law and go forth to actualize our inherent potential, individually and collectively, to help America fulfill its ultimate destiny
of helping empower and enlighten ourselves, our brothers and sisters and the global community we share that Bucky Fuller referred to as Spaceship Earth.  And so it is!

                     Received in meditation by Charles Betterton © May 21, 2010

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