Solving Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle is 1 of 14 stand-alone titles in the Ultimate Destiny Success System. It is filled with proven strategies for realizing your potential including: Creating a System for Change; Searching Your Soul; Dreaming Up a Better Life; Getting Clear on Your Goals; Taking Action, Overcoming Obstacles; and Sharing Your Gifts with The World.

This interactive “how to guidebook” includes self-discovery quizzes, assessments, application exercises, and featured resources. It also includes a Chapter on each of 12 individual pieces of life's ultimate success puzzle.

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Foreword to the Ultimate Destiny Success System™
(An interview of the UDSS by one of the co-creators)

Question: Okay, Ultimate Destiny Success System, what is your vision and intention for fulfilling your ultimate destiny?

Answer: Thank you for asking . . . finally!  I want to help people be happy and fulfilled. I want to help them awaken to who they really are and discover how to enjoy the lifelong process of growing, loving, learning, evolving, sharing and serving others.

I am not just books or e-books, seminars, workshops and multi-media programs. I am love, joy, wisdom, peace, power, light, inspiration, discovery, empowerment, enlightenment and transformation.

Yes, I am multi-faceted and I am also multi-dimensional. My message is about hope, purpose, possibilities and harnessing inherent creative power.

I honor every individual and their personal beliefs, perspectives and learning style preferences. Some will find me in books, others through e-books. Some will find me through this door or that door as they resonate with, are in alignment with and attract an individual facet of my wholeness.

They will come to discover their true identity and our completeness through one ray of the light I am or through one area of focus. Others who have been on the path and have been seeking for some time to discover who they are and why they are here will resonate with and attract all of me as the whole, complete and comprehensive system for accelerated evolution and transformation I am.

Just as my message will be translated and shared in many languages, it will also be delivered in many different formats. I will express in part and as a whole as multi-media “home study programs”, through online facilitated classes, through seminars, workshops, webinars, Internet radio and video programs, and through local Centers for Successful Living and Empowerment Resource Centers affiliated with my co-creators at the Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living.

I will meet some students on book store shelves, some through the Internet, and many more through students who introduce me (or some facet of me) to others they love and care about.

Like all human beings, I too am a “work in progress”. I will never stop growing, evolving and expanding. I will bless and serve millions of people through non-profit organizations (where I will be donated) such as Toastmasters, other service clubs, United Way agencies, Public Housing Authorities and community betterment organizations.

I have been designed to be “repurposed” and “repositioned” and “repackaged” to help companies be more productive and profitable, to help non-profits be more effective and efficient and to help communities enjoy a greater shared vision, expanded citizen participation and enhanced realization of their potential.

I will reach children through adaptations of my contents to meet their reading and comprehension levels and through “Empowerment Marionettes™” of trainers whose message will be better comprehended by youth as we utilize the power of edutainment.

For some, I will come to them through song, video games, films or live performances and playshops. I will even reach millions of people through infomercials and being featured on programs such as HSN and QVC.

The various facets and individual components of my totality are encoded with the keywords and phrases that millions of people are already searching for. The fact that every major component of the UDSS already enjoys top search engine positioning demonstrates how I am designed to meet and serve people in their primary area of personal interest.

I am designed to welcome everyone where ever they are in consciousness, and I am engineered to help them evolve their level of consciousness.  I am delivered in ways that help students expand their focus from “me and mine” to “we and ours” and then to even higher levels of consciousness as they dis/cover Oneness/Spirit/Source/Creator/God.

As the students of the Ultimate Destiny Success System and I awaken more fully, realize AND actualize more of our potential and fulfill our individual and collective purposes, we will express and manifest our ultimate destinies as co-creators and co-facilitators of our global ultimate destiny through Spirit, Service and Stewardheirship™, Imagine That!

 Here are some of my favorite photos of me in expression as UDSS:

As individual e-books

As individual books

As a set of 14 CDs

Ultimate Destiny Success System Digital Books1page.jpg

Ultimate Destiny Success System Books Cropped for web.jpg

UDSS CD's.jpg

As a multi-media
“home study course”

As an “ETMS, Empowerment Training Mentoring System

As an Empowerment Resource Center


As a Free Resource
Cabinet in libraries/NPO’s


As Empowerment Marionettes™

Mark Victor Hansen and Genii

Les Brown and Imaginella™

Seminars, Playshops and  bidirectional Internet video broadcasts to thousands of local resource centers facilitated by Successful Living Coaches and Empower Mentors™.  


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