Painting © Madeleine Tuttle

New Thought University
for Successful Living

Sharing the Spiritual Principles and
Practices Known as New Thought

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Celebrating New Thought Day in Sedona!

Sedona, AZ Public Library * March 2, 2014 * 4:44 to 7:11 pm

Suggested donation $5 to $10. Call 928-554-4715 to register.

Although its influence has been widespread throughout our culture, most people have little knowledge about this far-reaching spiritual movement. From the self-help industry to Alcoholics Anonymous and from Oprah Winfrey to the Word-Faith movement, the principles of the New Thought movement have been instrumental in helping transform the lives of millions of people world-wide.

Special screening of the documentary What Is New Thought?

"What is New Thought?"
Producer - Jon Miller
Released - 2013

With Rev. Della Reese,
Dr. Joe Vitale, Rev. Dr. Blaine Mays, Wally Amos, Will Bowen, Faith Rivera
and many more


“This film tells a great story about a spiritual movement
that is practical, powerful, sensible and universal 

Everything is connected - That's the Law” -- Kathleen Gage

Excellent look at past and present of new thought! As a student of New Thought and a program director of a Unity Church I have been waiting for a documentary about New Thought that can be used to give people a well presented introduction and history of new thought. Well worth the time to view and share with others. --  Andrew Kelsay

"'What Is New Thought?' is an expertly produced overview of the influence and impact of New Thought in our world. In addition to the great work all of the Schools and Ministries of New Thought are doing, the film has captured some of the ways New Thought has, and is, influencing the family of humanity. Moving toward planetary peace and well being for all." -
Dr. Blaine C. Mays, President, International New Thought Alliance

 Click Here for more reviews    Click Here for short video clips from the DVD

Information will be provided on New Thought organizations and sample publications including:

Click Here for a PDF of the flier for Celebrating New Thought Day!

Top 10 Reasons to Celebrate New Thought Day in Sedona

#10. Learn about the positive uplifting resources, programs and publications from the major New Thought organizations including the INTA, ANTN, AGNT, Centers for Spiritual Living, Unity and a listing of New Thought Centers in Northern Arizona.

(Image courtesy of Association for Global New Thought)

 Receive free samples publications from the Centers for Spiritual Living including Creative Thought and Science of Mind Magazines.



  Receive a free sample copy of the
Daily Word
published by Unity.


#7.  Enjoy a special screening of the documentary What Is New Thought? rated 4.8 of 5 Stars on

(See short film clips at

   Discover how to Open Your Mind to Prosperity with the gift of a free copy of the book by that title compliments of Catherine Ponder along with her Prosperity Decrees and her
Keys to Prosperity

(Click Here for our letter to Catherine Ponder inviting her participation)



#5.  Enjoy the gift of free annual memberships in the non-profit New Thought University and New Thought Business Network.

(Click Here for a 1-page PDF with more details)

#4  Enjoy special discounts on programs, products and services on personal growth, health and wellness, spiritual enlightenment from our sponsors including a free copy of the Introduction to Structured Water with Clayton Nolte: Overview of the Health Benefits, Cost Savings and Environmental Advantages of Structured Water.

#3. Be one of the first individuals to learn about the 1st  Awakened World International Film Festival that the Association for Global New Thought will offer in Santa Barbara, CA October 27-30. Click Here for an advance PDF flier with more information.


#2. Receive a free annual membership in The Light Center cofounded by Genii Townsend, learn about The 4 Keys to Light Teachings
and receive a complimentary copy of her book SOMETHING’S COMING! Universal Cities of Light, Love and Healing!



#1. Produce, direct, and star in your own Academy Award winning movie about your life!

Discover how the empowering and enlightening resources available from New Thought and our sponsors including CENTER SPACE (the Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Enlightenment) and Universal StewardHeirShip
can help you A.R.K.--

waken to your true spiritual identity,
ealize more of your inherent potential and
now how to fulfill your “Ultimate Destiny”, Imagine That!


This photo of a print by Sally Huss ( is a wonderful statement of why you may want to attend and at least watch the What Is New Thought? documentary before watching the Academy Awards.

Sponsor A New Thought Day Celebration in your Center or Community!

Contact Us

New Thought University
PO Box 20072
Sedona, AZ 86341