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This is one of the first in a series of book to be published by Ultimate Destiny University. The book will be printed in an 8" by 10” format based on The America Dreams  by Jim Bickford which presents quotes from famous people on what the American Dream is along with 40 pages of worksheet material on setting goals, etc. The draft book proposal for Discover and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny  is available for review as a PDF download.

Preliminary input for the book is being obtained from the individuals nominated for the Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award as someone who is both living their ultimate destiny while helping others manifest theirs (www.UltimateDestinyHallOfFameAward.com).

The experiential exercises and worksheets that will be contained in the book are being refined through workshops the series of 14 e-books contained in the Ultimate Destiny Success System.

Each edition in the book series will include an interactive CD with hyper links to web sites that will reinforce the exercises in each chapter. The CD will also include all of the resource  directories. Each book will come with a bookmark and “magic wand” video message pen that include the six major steps in manifesting your ultimate destiny. The Resource section of the book will feature major co-branded programs and products we will be developing such as Mark Victor Hansen’s Living Your Dreams & Bob Proctor’s Pieces of the Success Puzzle.

Readers will receive discount certificates for subscribing to the Ultimate Destiny Monthly Newsletter, for joining the Ultimate Destiny  University Network, for buying featured and recommended products and for attending live events and online teleconferences, etc.

The signature version of the book series will be targeted to individuals. Subsequent editions will feature Youth Empowerment and Leadership Development, Organizations, Businesses, Communities and Spiritual Organizations. The Organizational edition will feature experts such as Peter Senge on Metanoic Organizational Development and Leadership, Betty Didcoct and Amy Jones (international experts in OD), and representatives of Social Venture Network, IONS, Institute of HeartMath, etc.

The edition for the Corporate sector will include resources from the World Business Academy,  Social Venture Network, Spirit in Business, Center for Spirit At Work, Paul J. Meyer, Sir John Whitmore and Richard Barrett. The edition for Spiritual Organizations will feature resources from Church Growth International (founded by Paul J. Meyer), Injoy Inc. (which produces programs by John Maxwell), and other recognized experts such as Rev. David Yonggi Cho, Rick Warren, Bob Harrison, etc.

The edition for Community will feature:  the works of Arthur Morgan and Community Services, Inc., Richard Poston and the Community Development Society, Dr Michael Swack and Community Economic Development,  Dr. Donald Pitzer of the Historic Communal Societies Association, M. Scott Peck and the Foundation for Community Encouragement, the Fellowship for Intentional Community, and resources from NCCED (the National Congress for Community Economic Development) and NAHRO (the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials), with quotes on community by these authors along with Corrine McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson of the Center for Visionary Leadership, Loraine Garkovich, Margaret Wheatley, etc.

In addition to normal book distribution sales channels, seminars and workshops have already been designed (such as the Ultimate Destiny Quiz and Ultimate Destiny Magic Wand Worksheet) that will generate book and workbook sales. The book will also help generate memberships in the Ultimate Destiny Network, attendance at introductory resource showcases, seminars and workshops.

Additional revenue will be generated from readers of the book who become customers of our strategic alliance partners through various affiliate programs that Ultimate Destiny participates in and hundreds of affiliations with resource providers such as Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, etc.

Future product extensions could include: Time Management Systems (co-branded like the MyTyme Personal Success Planner from Paul J. Meyer), annual Goals Management Planners, calendars with Ultimate Destiny quotes,  advanced, interactive multimedia programs, enrollment in a multi-year Ultimate Destiny University, Group Study Workbooks for local chapters, newsletter subscriptions, Ultimate Destiny Network retreats, Travel Services, communications services such as greeting cards, calling cards and cell phones, etc.

The Resource Showcases delivered at and through the Empowerment Resource Centers will be designed to help develop the Ultimate Destiny Brand, partly by simply including language and workshop tracks at each Showcase that reinforce the concept.

The major events the Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living will start producing summer 2010 will also be leveraged. For example, each of our major events will include language such as: Presenting a Series on Discover Your Dreams and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny with Les Brown and The Power of a Larger Vision, Discover Your Dreams and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny with Brian Tracy on Success Mastery, Discover Your Dreams and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny with Mark Victor Hansen on Living Your Dreams. Plans are underway for a Youth Empowerment Symposium that Ultimate Destiny will co-produce in San Diego later in 2010 as YES! Youth Empowerment and Success: Helping Youth Discover and Manifest Their Ultimate Destiny.

An introductory four-page newsletter has been developed. It includes pages announcing plans for the model Empowerment Resource Centers in San Diego and Sedona with headings such as: Individual Membership Benefits; Charter Organizational Memberships; Corporate Sponsorship Benefits; Resource Showcases; Featured Resource Providers (beginning with a “special offer” on emWaves from HeartMath®); Enrollment Forms and Survey Instrument; solicitation of donations; memberships; sponsorships; advance orders for the book, etc.  

For more information on Ultimate Destiny University, our publications and programs, please contact Charles Betterton at charlesbetterton@gmail.com. Thank you!

Copyright 2010-2011 by Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc.  All rights reserved.