Painting © 2009 by Madeleine Tuttle *

Why Are We Here?

What have YOU come here
to be, do and manifest?


How many of the following possible answers would you agree with?

I am and We are here on Earth to:

__ Realize our inherent potential.

__ Fulfill our life purpose and mission.

__ Enjoy loving relationships.

__ Harness our creative mind power.

__ Raise our consciousness level.

__ Enjoy prosperity and financial freedom.

__ Achieve ultimate success in the service of others.

__ Attain spiritual enlightenment.

__ Enjoy optimal health and well-being.

__ Enjoy peace and balance.

__ Make a difference and leave a legacy.

__ Foster personal, social and planetary sustainability.

It is said that life is like a puzzle . . . Answering questions like these about who we are, why we are here on earth and what we came here to be, do, have and experience is like solving a puzzle. The "graduate level" questions concern how we can contribute to Solving Our Personal, Community and Global Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzles.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System Library has been designed to help you realize more of your potential, discover and fulfill your life purpose, Solve Your Ultimate Destiny Success Puzzle and learn how to co-create and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny. To share your ideas, provide feedback or learn more, click on any of the hyperlinks on this page to discover the world of Ultimate Destinyland™. 

We also invite you to complete our survey with questions such as:

What does ultimate destiny mean to you?

Which pieces of solving your ultimate success puzzle are most important to you? and

Who would you nominate for the Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award?

Clicking on any of the 12 possible answers at the top of this page will take you to our interactive blog sites. There you will be invited to participate in further addressing these questions. You will also have an opportunity to help provide resources that can help anyone realize more of their potential, fulfill their life purpose and co-create their ultimate destiny, whatever that means to each individual.

Clicking on any of the images in this table will take you to web sites that provide more information on these 16 components in the new Ultimate Destiny Success System. When you subscribe to our free Ultimate Destiny University newsletter at,  you will be able to receive any of our publications on a "Pay it Forward -- Pay What It's Worth To You" donation basis, Imagine That!

The ultimate goal of Ultimate Destiny is to help Expand the Circle of Success for Solving Our Personal, Community and Global Success Puzzles by helping establish a network of non-profit Community Resource Centers that will provide Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century.

Please explore Ultimate Destinyland where your dreams are just waiting for you to come true. 

Click Here to discover how participation in Ultimate Destinyland could bless and serve you.

This web site is part of the Ultimate Destiny Success System for Expanding the Circle of Success. Providing Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century through a network of local non-profit CAN DO! Community Resource Centers will help generate greater individual and collective capacity for Solving Personal, Community, National and Global Ultimate Success Puzzles! 

We are inviting our Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award recipients to help donate 100 million dollars worth
of development training programs over the next 10 years to and through non-profit organizations (NPOs) to generate greater capacity to address the increasing social, economic and environmental challenges we face.

Donations to help provide scholarships and matching grants are welcomed!

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Over one billion people lack safe water, and three billion lack sanitation; eighty per cent of infectious diseases are waterborne, killing millions of children each year. — World Bank Institute.

Click Here to discover how you can help Ultimate Water for Humanity, a non-profit organization, provide the benefits of structured water to people everywhere. Free E-book, Introduction to the Health Benefits, Cost Savings and Environmental Advantages of Structured Water, is available at

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