Painting © Madeleine Tuttle. All rights reserved.


The Center for Spiritual, Personal And
Community Empowerment and Enlightenment

Providing Resources for Helping You A.R.K.
 Awaken to Spirit; Realize More of Your Potential; and
now How to Fulfill Your Divine Destiny

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Answering the following questions may generate significant self observations about who you are, how well you feel you are fulfilling your potential and possibly help you identify areas and actions you might be able to take to increase your happiness, effectiveness and productivity in life. Please answer each question as honestly as you can and then refer back to your answers from time to time to see if further insights reveal themselves later. Enjoy...

What if some of my thoughts are holding me back, keeping me from fulfilling my highest possible destiny, what could they be?

What if some of my attitudes are holding me back, keeping me from fulfilling my highest possible destiny, what could they be?

What if some of my habits are holding me back, keeping me from fulfilling my highest possible destiny, what could they be?

What if some of my beliefs are holding me back, keeping me from fulfilling my highest possible destiny, what could they be?

If there was some emotional blockage from my past which interferes with my full enjoyment and fulfillment in life, what could it be?

If there was something important to learn from my present and past relationships, what could it be?


If I was blind to a fault that is preventing the fulfillment of my full potential and the perfect expression of my true identity and purpose, what might it be?

If I had on blinders restricting my vision, what might I be missing?


If there was something I could be, do, say, think or believe which would accelerate my growth and development, what might it be?

If I could have God/Spirit/Creator tell me about one thing, what information would I ask for?

If God could whisper anything in my ear, what would I want to hear? What would I most likely hear?

If Jesus (or another Great Teacher) offered His observations on me and my living, what would He say?

If I look at myself as others might see me based on our interactions, who and what would I appear to be?

If I were to learn two or three lessons from nature, what would they be?


What if I am to be working with other people, groups or organizations, who might they be and what might we be and do together?

How could I give more? Serve more? Reach more? Teach more? Love more? Touch more? Grow more? Receive more? Live more in accordance with my highest vision?

If I have undeveloped talents and gifts, what might they be?

If I performed a S.W.O.T. analysis honestly considering my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to fulfilling my potential, what would I discover?





If I could live my life over again, what would I do differently and why?


What if I should be doing something different with my life, what might it be?


What is the most important thing I want my parents, spouse and children to know about who I am and what I believe?


What legacy do I want to give, share and leave to my family, community, nation and the world through my living?

Copyright 1996 -2012 by CENTER SPACE All rights reserved.

 Copyright 2011-2012 by CENTER SPACE    All Rights Reserved.