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Publications Authored or Co-authored by Charles E. Betterton, MS CED

Ultimate Destiny Success System

Presenting A Treasure Chest of Resources
for Leadership, Healing, Empowerment
and Transformation.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System includes the 14 stand-alone programs listed below with over 1,000 pages of self-assessment quizzes, application exercises and featured resources in each area of fulfilling your ultimate destiny.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System is available for $97 electronically, $197 for the complete set of print books and $497 for the set of e-books, CD's and an orientation DVD.

Manifesting Your
Ultimate Destiny

E-book, book or CD

Solving Your Ultimate
Destiny Success Puzzle

E-book, book or CD

Realizing Your
Ultimate Potential
E-book, book or CD

Enjoying Ultimate
Health and Fitness

E-book, book or CD

Fulfilling Your Life
Purpose, Mission and Goals

E-book, book or CD

Enjoying Loving,
Positive Relationships

E-book, book or CD

Achieving Ultimate Success
in Your Business or Career

E-book, book or CD

Enjoying Financial
Freedom and Prosperity

E-book, book or CD

Raising Your
Consciousness Level

E-book, book or CD

Attaining Spiritual

E-book, book or CD

Harnessing Your
Creative Mind Power

E-book, book or CD

Enjoying Peace and
Balance in All Areas of Life

E-book, book or CD

Making A Difference
and Leaving A Legacy

E-book, book or CD

Fostering Personal
and Planetary Sustainability

E-book, book or CD

Solving the Global
Sustainability Success Puzzle

E-book, book or CD

Programs Created by Charles E. Betterton, MS CED
